Playground Grant Opportunities

Watch out for GRANT ILLUSIONS!

Grants are used by some playground manufacturers to fish for projects and bait clients into purchasing quickly before giving real consideration to quality, longevity, personalized design and play value.  These deceptive marketing tactics are not really grants, just inflated, limited-choice, package designs that are then discounted back down to the actual price.

A true grant benefits the people receiving the grant, not a monetary benefit for those giving the “grant.”  There are many REAL grant programs out there and we are here to help guide you through that process.

Ask for Comparable Structure Designs and Cost Comparison from Other Manufacturers!

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING….Make sure you are getting value for your dollar!  If the grant requires specific equipment and design, make sure the pricing is not inflated.  Most of the time you can get BETTER equipment with higher play value and LONGER return on investment – with no tricks.  Ask us today for a price comparison and an in-depth review on the play value of each component.

The Application Process and What You Can Expect!

Landscape Structures has helpful information and tips to help you navigate the grant application process.  Everything you need to know from planning, fundraising and available opportunities. Use the quick links below to find out more.

Current Opportunities We Are Proud to Support


KaBOOM Oak View Park

KABOOM! works with corporate sponsors to bring play areas to communities. You can apply for their grants at any time of the year. KABOOM! and the Built to Play initiative, supported by the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, proudly present the Play Everywhere Design Challenge.

They are awarding $1 million to communities building landmark play spaces that provide kids with equitable opportunities to play.

Visit the KABOOM! website for more information.

Kiwanis Legacy of Play Contest

The Legacy of Play Contest, now in its seventh year, celebrates the shared belief that investing in communities through legacy signature projects is important to the success of a Kiwanis club. This contest gives one Kiwanis club US$25,000 of playground equipment. Click here for more information on the contest and to find your local Kiwanis Club.


Who We Represent

New SkyWays Logo
Aquatix Logo
Bison Logo
Premier Polysteel Logo